Theres a First Time for Everything :)

Day 10 – What you wore today
Day 13 – This week 
Day 14 – What you wore today I'm changing it to...  
Day 14 - Somethin' Else Cool Because it's crap that anyone thinks that they want to know what I am wearing again. I know I don't care what you are wearing... so... Hm, what am I going to share with you??
Day 25 – A first
Day 26 – Your fears
Day 27 – Your favorite place
Day 28 – Something that you miss
Day 29 – Your aspirations
Day 30 – One last moment

So, I am going to share with you today my excursion with my bestie! She and I went up to Mt. Saint Helens yesterday and hiked the Lava Canyon trail, and we even went into the Ape Caves. So I am just going to show you some of the Lava Canyon hike... because I was too scared in the Ape Caves to stop anywhere and take pictures. Let me tell you it is EFFING dark in those caves!!

Anyway, this is the first time that I have been near Mt. Saint Helens. Also the first time I went on an intense hike!!
There were such gorgeous views!! I took way too many pictures to post them all up here. Here are just some of my favorites!

I had to go over my very first, of what I think is a suspension bridge. It was kind of scary because (as you can see below) it was really high up, and it was wobbly!

Woot, I made it across ALIVE!
There were tons of amazing waterfalls and great scenes!! We were very lucky that it was such a nice day out that day! We came across some gorgeous stream views and some parts the water was really super BLUE! It was crazy gorgeous!

This was where Misty and I decided to take a break. We built a rock tower! Heheh.
So that was my first trip to Mt. Saint Helens!! :) it was super fun! 

Now, I guess I am supposed to share with you some of my fears. Hm. I like to pretend that I am really not too afraid of much but yes... let me share with you. 

Okay, I will admit it. I am afraid of the dark. That's right. I am totally afraid of it. It being, THE DARK. Okay, not because it is DARK. But because you cannot see in it! You never know what is just out of your vision... You know, you cannot see outside of the flashlight. 

I keep watching scary TV shows like, Ghost Adventures, and the like. Always at night, usually by myself. I keep freaking myself out to the max. But you know, I have NO CLUE what I would do if I saw a real GHOST!! What would you do???


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