A Moment in Time

Day 08 – A moment
Day 09 – Your beliefs
Day 10 – What you wore today
Day 11 – Your siblings
Day 12 – What’s in your bag
Day 13 – This week
Day 14 – What you wore today
Day 15 – Your dreams
Day 16 – Your first kiss
Day 17 – Your favorite memory
Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Day 19 – Something you regret
Day 20 – This month
Day 21 – Another moment
Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
Day 25 – A first
Day 26 – Your fears
Day 27 – Your favorite place
Day 28 – Something that you miss
Day 29 – Your aspirations
Day 30 – One last moment

A moment? I was kind of trying to cheat, to see what other people have put for their moment, but found nothing. So... This is what you get. 

A moment that pops into my head immediately is the way I feel about my Hubbers when he is near me. When he was here on leave it was amazing. I felt so whole, so happy, and so loved. 

Hubbers would always ask me "Are you feeling loved yet?" I reply, "Yes sugar, I feel loved!".

Every morning I would be hungry for, yes, hash browns and every morning, we would go on an epic search for just that. No matter the cost, no matter the time, I needed my hash browns. I don't know what it is about them but, the way that they are SO ... potatoey, and crispy, and mix perfectly with over medium fried eggs, and always taste glorious every time they hit my pallet. They have to be my favorite food. I get happy when I eat, and the Hubbers knows and understands that. The Hubbers also knows and understands that when I don't eat... I am the biggest crabby grouch ever. 

The Hubbers, I, and his brother went out to dinner. You see, I NEEDED lasagna... So we went Italian hunting (No silly, food, not people). We went to this one Italian place, put in our order and got some beers. It took FOR FREAKING EVER for the food to come out to us that I almost wanted to kill myself! I was beginning to be unable to form structured sentences and was *-* this close to throwing myself on the ground and begin emulating a 2 year old tantrum. My BIL asked me if I wanted him to go see what he could do, I said yes. He went over to the waiter and talked with him for a second and came back with a smile. I looked at BIL curiously, he said "Let's see if that doesn't get you your food any faster!", "What did you tell him!? What did you say!?" I demanded to know! He said "I told him you had diabetes". *Mouth drops to table* Awesome! I have diabetes! And then our soup and salad came to the table. 



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