Friday's Letters - A link up.

This will be the first Friday Letter's that I have ever linked up with. This week, I just felt the need to write some nice things to my hubby, and friends, and maybe my dog... ;) I think it will help me stay positive and thankful this cruddy winter season.

Dear Hubbinator, 
Yes, there's cauliflower in it, it was delicious.
I hope you know I think you are the most amazing husband ever. Thank you so much for taking such great care of me, not only this last weekend when I wasn't feeling well, and you made me some amazing soup... But these last 2+ years. I know you had no idea what you were getting into when you married me, but you're doing a damn good commendable job. I should buy you some gold stars or something. 

Some days, Husband, I wake up, and go to bed with this overwhelming amount of love for you. And it gives me the warm and fuzzies. 

Ps. Thank you for putting things in perspective for me, almost 100% of the time. 
PSS. Thank you for spending time with me, going over our voting ballots and helping me to understand the weird political lingo so that I could make my best educated decision on what I was voting for. I appreciate that the most.

Dear Winter Season,
I am not looking forward to you. Please move along. -- Yeah, I know you thought you were cute with your SNOW last weekend. *scoff* I am not impressed nor amused.

Dear Motivation, 
Thank you for sticking by my side for the last two and a half weeks while I am so desperately trying to conquer C25K and going to the gym 3 times a week. I appreciate your presence. -- This was written on Wednesday... It is now Thursday, and I am feeling a lack of your presence. Please come back and stick around for a long while. Please. Really, I need you. -- [a few hours later] Thank you, Motivation, for kicking me out the door today and making me get my run in. I am feeling really good about it!

Dear Hot Flashes,
Do you understand that I am not even 25 yet? These hot flashes are ridiculous and uncalled for. I have even done the deed of making a doctor's appointment, of which I am not looking forward to attending. -- I really do not like suddenly feeling hot, and then sweating. It's just not fun.

Sincerely, me. Registered & Protected


  1. It's 89 in Arizona today... Not to rub it in or anything ;)

  2. I've been seeing this link up for ages.. it's about time I did it!


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