Hello friends! This is probably the last time I will be updating the blog before I head out to Ireland. And no, I don't have any posts scheduled.

So, there you have it,

Here is my WW from last week:
  1. Draw. draw. draw. - This... Happened, i think. LOL. See. I feel like last week was such a long time ago.
  2. Make physical therapy appointment and hope they can get me in this week. - I did make an appt. but they were unable to get me in before my trip to Ireland. I will be going the day after we get back. 
  3. Walk. Walk. Walk. - I walked Mon-Thurs. last week and haven't walked much this weekend, but I will be walking a ton in Ireland.
  4. WATER DANGET. - I suck. I have been terrible at this. People gave me great advice, but, it just doesn't work for me! I carry around a cup of water ALL THE TIME. Hahah. And it's always sitting by me. I rarely feel thirsty though... 
  5. Finalize my must-see destination list for Ireland (we leave next Wednesday!). - Nope, didn't happen. Just gonna wing it! hahahah. I am sure I will be happy with whatever I see, and husband has a list. 
  6. Blog about Paleo, and how it's going for me.  - Well, this didn't happen either. I have the blog post sitting in drafts, with one paragraph completed. I just haven't felt compelled to finish it. Maybe after my 6 week challenge is completed. 

This week:
  1. HAVE FUN! - Sometimes I have lots of issues with expectations being too high... So, I am going to try and keep my expectations at a managable level, especially since we are going to be using the AirBnB method for sleeping! 
  2. Take lots of photos! - Because, Duh. 
  3. Draw on location! - Yep. I need to do it. Not many people can say that they've traveled to Ireland and DREW! Hahaha. 

There you have it. I will not be linking up next week as I will still be in Ireland. Soooooooo. I will probably link up when I get back, if I have time. Because man, I have been getting a lot of emails lately, I have like 400 unread right now. I am totally overwhelmed. LOL.

The Nectar Collective

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