How I feel 99.9% of the time...

 Yes, I am definitely a happy camper like, a lot of the time lately. :) I guess meeting a great guy can make you do that sometimes, right? Haha.

The day before yesterday it had been decided that I was going to switch my major. You see, I used to LOVE math, like, a ton. And then I started going to PSU where the teachers kinda suck a little and everything is just THAT much harder, you know. So I got to the point of where... If I look at it, it is going to piss me off. I have no motivation for school at all what-so-ever, and I am frustrated all of the time! You can see... This was a very unhealthy and unhappy place for me. SO.
I compared where I am at in Mathematics to where I am at in Psychology and guess what?? Just about the same place! ONLY, I can take more than one psych class in one term and not be scared of confusion!! How about that?? Hopefully, it will take me a shorter amount of time to graduate and I can get my rear in gear and git'r'dun!  :)

And I leave you with a fun little survey::::
(Okay, it's not little, and I totally lost interest a few times, and it took me like a week to complete... but... it was fun... kind of )

- Age: 22
- Annoyance: Selfishness
- Animal: Awe, I don't have any... :( Stupid dorm rooms! WAIT... I DO happen to have a Sealion that hangs out in Newport, Oregon named Exavior... and then, soon, I will have a Giraffe that hangs out either in Africa or a Zoo... and I am going to name him Cletus...

- Beer: I really like Drop Top
- Birthday: December 24th
- Body Part on opposite sex: Shoulders mmmm
- Best feeling in the world: Getting to see D on Skype, or in person. He makes me happy!
- Blind or Deaf: Hmmm This is a really difficult question! Because... if I were blind... I could really enjoy people for who they really are and not judge them for what they look like. However, I would really really miss the bright colors and beautiful things I get to see. Lets see... If I were deaf... I would REALLY REALLY miss music. I really love music and dancing around like a dork... BUT, I would still be able to see beautiful things that happen and beautiful people.
- Best weather: The very best weather is a beautiful day in Oregon with the sun shining and it being warm at the same time.
- Been in Love?: Oh yes! It is pretty much the best feeling! Haha.
- Been on stage?: I have, I used to do choir. I don't really mind being on stage...
- Believe in Magic?: Hmmm. i am not sure!
- Believe in Santa?: I don't.

- Candy:I dont know... sometimes I just need chocolate though. I think that happens to all women.
- Color: Right now... I am really loving Reds
- Chocolate/Vanilla: CHOCOLATE
- Chinese/Mexican Food: Mexican
- Cake or pie: Neither.
- Continent to visit: Europe!
- Cheese: Tillamook cheddar.
- Cuddling: Oooo I love love LOVE it!

- Day or Night: BOTH
- Dancing in the rain:Would be fun if it weren't COLD!!

- Eyes: Blue-ish Gray
- Everyone's got: a little awesome in them somewhere...
- Ever fail a class?: Nope.

- First thoughts waking up: COFFEE
- Food:Anything made out of potatoes...

- Greatest Fear: being alone :/
- Goals: Get married, finish school, join army... yes, in that order... lol. My priorities are not in check at the moment.
- Gum:Um, it has to be soft and very tasty.
- Get along with your parents?:For the most part!

- Hair Color: just plain brown. 
- Height: 5'4"
- Happy:MOST of the time!
- Holiday:Thanksgiving!!
- How do you want to die: I dont really want to die... but if I did I hope it wouldn't be under negative scary circumstances... 

- Ice Cream: OMG coldstone creamery... or Ben and Jerry's.
- Instrument:None, I don't play any. I like to listen to them though! And... I kinda thought that it would be cool to like, learn Bass Guitar... but I dont think I have the patience.

- Jewelry: Rings
- Jobs: I work at Kohls....

- Kids: I never really wanted any, but the thought has crossed my mind since I've met D.
- Kickboxing or karate: KICKBOXING, I don't actually do it... but I thought it would be cool to try one day.
- Keep a journal?: I do, sometimes I write in a paper journal, but if I want feedback or something I have a different blog I keep on a website for that.

- Love:Is fantastic.
- Letter:They are so nice to get sometimes! I love it when I get letters from people. :)
- Laughed so hard you cried?:Like...a week ago!!
- Last movie you watched and with who: I soooo don't remember... lmao

- Married: I WISH
- Milk:MMm i love milk!
- McD’s or BK: NEITHER.

- Number:7

- One wish: To be in Korea with D, Right NOW.
- One night stands: Meh. overrated.

- Pepsi/Coke: Neither, i can't drink em, they give me a stomach ache.
- Perfect Pizza: Um... well, I dont LOVE pizza but I like either slightly crunch crust (thin) or really thick soft doughy crust, lol... with lots of meats, lots of cheese, and some mushrooms, maybe a couple olives here and there!

- Reason to cry: Overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, pissed... lol. Actually sad... haha.
- Reality T.V.:  America's Next Top Model... hmmm... Um, that one show... with the clothing designers... I cant remember the name of it.
- Radio Station: ROCK 101.1 KUFO. FTW.
- Roll your tongue in a circle? Like a taco? Yes I can
- Ring size: I think it is either a 6.5, 7, or 7.5, I cant remember.

- Song: Odd one - by Sick Puppies
- Shoe size: 8-8.5
- Salad Dressing: Ranch
- Sushi: Nah thanks!
- Skinny dipped?: ONCE
- Strawberries/Blueberries: OMG Strawberries.

- Tattoos?: THREE!
- Talent:Being awesome, obviously.
- Time for bed:I try for midnight... but i tend to stay up until 2 every time... 
- Thunderstorms: only nice with sig. others.

- Unpredictable: Hahhah never.

- Vacation spot(s): The beach.

- Weakness: I dont know! lol. My man, hehee. I would do anything for him!
- Worst feeling: Regret/Guilt
- Wanted to be when you were younger: Veterinarian
- Worst Weather?: being too cold!

- X-Ray: Teeth, foot... i think that's it.

-Year it is now: 2010
-Yellow: cheese?

- Zoo animal: BATS!

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