Coffee Talk with Miss Nat!

1. It's 2013! What will be the first thing you do that is memorable?
Geocaching. Haha, yeah... I am not sure. Geocaching and traveling. And being fucking amazing.

2. It's also income tax season... what do you plan on doing with all of that $$$?
Be responsible and pay off debt. *le sigh*!

But I know, very soon, we will not have to do that for too much longer!!

Be responsible! Pay yo shit!!

3. What are your 2012 pros/cons?
Finland, meeting family there too.
Greece, making friends there.
Husband returning (early to-boot) from Afghanistan in one piece.
Finally having out with some previously only fb friends.
Making new friends.
Figuring out my "real" friends.

Husband deploying.
Friend's husband returning from Afghanistan after being blown up and being half paralyzed...
Above friends moving back to USA.
Losing friends aka figuring out real friends.

I am sure there are more to both of these lists, but I don't want to think anymore. It's time to live on 2013 behbeh!

4. What are you looking forward to this year?
I have got lots to look forward to this year!! Husband and I are vowing to do more travel!! Which will be great! I am pretty excited, we're going to try and get Ireland and Switzerland crossed off our lists! I am also hoping to squeeze in Finland one or two more times, Sweden, and Norway!!

5. What was your favorite movie, CD album, book of 2012?
I don't think I ready ANY books over the last year... Man. Oops. Haha. But I found a couple new music groups that I love!! Volbeat and Black Stone Cherry. And the music artist Caro Emerald!


  1. i hope im in the good friend category haha.

  2. Take a trip to Florida......

  3. Found you via Coffee Talk, happy I did. Can't wait to see some images from your upcoming travels, and happy your husband is safe with you. x Tamara Red Coat Studio

  4. ok yes. and when you're done traveling to florida travel to wisconsin. you can geo-whatever by me all you want babycakes.

    i'll provide the wine.


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