52 LISTS: 3

52 lists is a weekly link up hosted by MooreaSeal. At just week three I have come to realize this is a great way for reflection. 

This week, the prompt is "Things I should be proud of". 

There are many things I am proud of, and it may or may not be things that I personally have done. I love that these lists can be interpreted in any way the participant chooses. 
32. I am proud of blogging.

On my own choice I decided to do 52 lists digitally. As to save 52 sheets of paper (of which I have no idea what I would have done with after this year was over). :) 

What are some things that you are proud of?


  1. You should definitely be proud of all those things :) I hope you are having a great weekend!

  2. oh i love this idea! and you certainly have a lot to be proud of.
    Helene in Between

  3. I love this list! Can't wait to get to this week. Haha

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog. I think it is essential to make lists, I am forever doing it.
    Have a good weekend.


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