Being Thankful 23

I am so thankful for a husband that spoils the crap out of me! Really... He is the best. 

Today, we went to the PX because they had a deal where if you bought a MacBook Pro or Air that you could get $99 of accessories for free.  

Yes, we realized that it was Black Friday today, and no we did. not. get up at the ass crack of dawn to go there. No, not at all. We slept in, got up around 0900 and left the house around 1230. We meandered inside and there was like no one in there. It was like a regular day.

You see... We do not have a very large PX, even though we just got a brand new one... It's not really much larger than the last. And thus, doesn't hold very much stuff. -- If we want to go to a bigger "American" store, we have to drive about 1.5hrs+ away from here. -- So, people usually go to those bigger PXs on Black Friday. I wonder if our PX was busier early this morning? Probably... 

Anyway, so we picked out my MacBook and headed out. We were in there for like, less than 30 minutes. It really felt like a win to me! ha.

We ran some other errands, and headed home. I was immediately ready to get my Mac going eat! Then, I got my Mac going. lol. It took FOREVER. Oh my goodness. Longest wait ever. Had to transfer all data from my PC to my Mac, it told me 14 HOURS wait time. I was so sad thinking that I couldn't even touch my new goodie until tomorrow morning! Lucky for me, it greatly overestimated the wait! Woot! A few hours (and really cruddy old movies) later, IT WAS READY!!!

Also, very thankful for the delicious box of cookies that the bestie's mom sent over! Eeeep, they were so delicious...and Nooooo we didn't eat the whole box, yet, there are still... like, 3 left. ;) 
Also, the cheesecake turned out delightful! :) I think pretty good for a first timer!!


  1. now we can be mac friends. i love mine and its like two years old with no probs. like hell i could ever keep a pc that long. and i want your cheese cake.


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